Got an idea you want to launch on Kickstarter?
A place where ideas come to life
Have an idea you want to crowdfund? We’ll help you find your way. We are a team of entrepreneurs and marketers who love helping other creators launch awesome ideas!
We at RKT Launch have confidence that we can take your product to market. From product conception all the way to fulfillment; we are here to help.

Idea Validation & Prototyping
Once your idea is approved by the RKT Launch team, we will begin by helping you create a prototype for your product. This step is usually the longest part of the process. We work with you to create the highest quality product you’ll be proud to call your own.

Crowdfunding Strategy
Once prototypes are made the next step will be to create a crowdfunding strategy. This stage is where market research is done. We will work side by side with you to create a timeline that will work best for your campaign. We can handle everything from video production to campaign page designs and more.

Once a timeline and strategy for your campaign are in place, we will closely work on a marketing strategy to get your campaign on Kickstarter’s front page.

Mass Production & Fulfillment
We will walk you through every step of the way down to manufacturing and fulfillment. RKT Launch has partnered up with reputable manufacturers to ensure that quality and timelines are met.

About US
The RKT team is a group of entrepreneurs who love bringing innovative and cool products to market. Each team member brings their own expertise to the table, creating the perfect workflow and synergy. Together they have helped multiple Kickstarter campaigns launch successful projects. Throughout their experience, they are confident that they have developed a formula to Kickstarter success!
Put it out there, Let’s talk